Hannah Cochrane

aspiring writer


Hannah Cochrane is a 21-year-old English Literature & Creative Writing student, based in the north of England. She mostly writes prose, though occasionally dabbles in poetry too. Her favourite genre to write is YA, with supernatural twists - however she loves exploring a whole range of genres.While she’s mostly focusing on her degree, she dreams of one day publishing her longer works and pursuing a career in the creative industry - whether that be marketing, journalism or editorial work.Alongside reading and writing, Hannah also loves going to the gym, mountain biking, baking, playing piano, and spending time outside exploring. Many of her best works are inspired by the nature around her.


Hannah's recent publications include both short stories and poetry. As well as working on the Creative Writing part of her degree, she aims to continue expanding her portfolio with more published work online.

more coming soon...


Below are some of Hannah's most recent journalistic publications. While she has mostly covered film and book reviews and society spotlights so far, she'd love to be a travel writer in the future.

more coming soon...